Skateboarding in Seoul – a sensory ethnography
As skaters increasingly engage with and respond to socio-political surges across the globe, skateboarding begins to refract into a multiplicity of situated practices. This includes a new wave of collectives and communities who re-imagine what cities could sound, feel, and be like.
Combining filmmaking with ethnographic writing, Sander Hölsgens traces the lived experience of a small group of skaters in South Korea. As a skater among skaters, he unravels the site-specific nuances and relational meanings of skateboarding in Seoul – working towards an intimate portrait of a growing community.
Cover photo: Jin Yob Kim
Copy editor: Paul O’Connor
University of Groningen Press | UGP
The physical books of the University of Groningen Press are distributed in collaboration with Uitgeverij kleine Uil.
The Open Access editions are available University of Groningen Press
ISBN ePDF: 9789403429250
ISBN ePub: 9789403429236
DOI 10.21827/6090facd36a4f
Skateboarding in Seoul